hey guys...it has been brought to my attention that a lot of the bike guys are going to be out of town this weekend, SO we will try again on Friday August 27th. That is a couple of weeks away so get the word out and hopefully it will go well, therefore we can do it more often.
Excellent, thank you for moving that back a couple weeks! What does the scedule look like for this? What time will time trials start and what time will the eliminations begin?
Seriously, whats the time schedule on this? I have some guys from Joplin that are wanting to come over and needing to know if they are going to have time to make it since they have to work and wouldnt be able to roll in till 6:45 or 7ish.
The gates open at 5:30 and time runs begin at 6:30. When we have classes on Friday nights, we try to start eliminations around 9:00pm. I think that allows everybody at least a three or four time trials, usually a lot more than that. We don't have a set schedual running time runs. We pretty much run one set of lanes till they clear then go to the next set. Even if you got there at 7:30 or 8:00 on a real busy night, you should be able to get a couple of time runs.