I've never been to the Ozark strip, and it's about 160 miles from where I reside. . . but I've sold my Ole "Shanty-Shaker" car recently, and I'm looking for a new class to run next year. I'm really interested in the "True Radial" class for several reasons . . . First is. . ."there's no D--- Power Adders". . . . Just cubes (Max 500) which should be enough for anyone. . . plus a pretty much down to earth, street car. . . My main question is. . . What tires are legal. . . . and what ISN"T. . . . I would really need to know this. . .. because I'm going to build a car around these, this winter. . . . Also, would appreciate any suggestions.
"Which Lane Do You Want? . . .Aw Heck. . .just pick one. . .I'll probably use 'em BOTH anyway !!!!