Hello all...I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.
I just wanted to let all of those who are interested know that we are working on getting the next issue of RPM to press as soon as possible. We are looking at the first week of January as a time to get it into your hands. We will include lots of photos from this past racing season in this next issue.
After that, we are going to try our best to come out each and every month. For those of you who do not have a subscription to RPM Motorsport Monthly and would like to get it delivered to your home, then please send a check or money order for $20 to:
The magazine is also available at various places throughout the four state region (Price Cutters, convenience stores, etc.).
If you would like to see one of your fellow racers featured in an upcoming issue of RPM, then please send me an email at rpm@classicnet.net.
Remember, this is your racing magazine and once again, without your support this venture would not be possible.
Have a great New Year's and to all God Bless!!
Brett Adams - RPM Motorsport Monthly
P.S. Thanks to all who have sent emails and phone calls of encouragement during the past couple of weeks. Each positive call makes it even more special that we keep RPM Motorsport Monthly chugging along!
All rightie now- Looks like we have "peace on earth, good will toward men". Gee, isn't communication a wonderful thing. Sometimes we humans are on different channels when trying to communicate. A few tuner adjustments can make a world of difference. Happy New Year to the entire racing community. P.S.- Phil, weather looks good for Sunday, what do you think, T&T with a gamblers bracket?
Not a problem at all Bob...You really opened my eyes to a few things and we so much appreciate you and all of our subscribers. Here is to making 2005 the best year ever!!!